



  1. predicative superlative degree of snar



  1. as soon as possible
    därför borde vi snarast bestämma datum för återträff!
    thus we should as soon as possible set a date for a reunion!
    • 1622, Andreas Johannis Prytz, En Lustigh Comoedia, Om Konung Gustaf Then Första, page 36:
      Nu wil iagh åht Östergöthland Reesa, thet snarast som iagh kan, []
      Now I want to go to Östergötland travel, as soon as I possible can, []
    • 2020 August 14, Patric Sellén, “Kasinot i Sundsvall läggs ner – avvecklingen sker snarast [The casino in Sundsvall is closing down - the liquidation will take place ASAP]”, in SVT Nyheter:
      På fredagsmorgonen kom beskedet att Casino Cosmopol i Sundsvall läggs ner. Kasinot kommer att avvecklas snarast.
      On Friday morning, the news came that Casino Cosmopol in Sundsvall is closing down. The casino will be liquidated as soon as possible.
  2. best, preferably, instead
    snarast borde vi göra det omvända
    instead we should do the opposite

See also


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