
Middle Dutch


From Old Dutch *slūtan



  1. to close, to shut
  2. to close off
  3. to lock up
  4. to establish, to confirm
  5. to end, to put an end to


Strong class 2
Infinitive sluten
3rd sg. past slôot
3rd pl. past slōten
Past participle geslōten
Infinitive sluten
In genitive slutens
In dative slutene
Indicative Present Past
1st singular slute slôot
2nd singular sluuts, slutes slōots, slōtes
3rd singular sluut, slutet slôot
1st plural sluten slōten
2nd plural sluut, slutet slōot, slōtet
3rd plural sluten slōten
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular slute slōte
2nd singular sluuts, slutes slōtes
3rd singular slute slōte
1st plural sluten slōten
2nd plural sluut, slutet slōtet
3rd plural sluten slōten
Imperative Present
Singular sluut, slute
Plural sluut, slutet
Present Past
Participle slutende geslōten


  • Dutch: sluiten
    • Afrikaans: sluit
    • Berbice Creole Dutch: slokti
    • Saramaccan: sòotó
  • Limburgish: sloete

Further reading

  • sluten”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek, 2000
  • Verwijs, E., Verdam, J. (1885–1929) “sluten”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, →ISBN



  • IPA(key): /¹slʉːtɛn/



  1. definite plural of slut


  • IPA(key): /²slʉːtɛn/



  1. past participle of sluta



  1. closed, sealed (not open (to the outside), literally or figuratively)
    Det är ett hål i den, så den är inte sluten
    There is a hole in it, so it is not closed
    När kretsen är sluten lyser lampan
    When the circuit is closed, the light is on
    Beslutet togs i en sluten inre krets
    The decision was made in a closed inner circle
    1. (figuratively) closed off (psychologically)
      Jag vet aldrig hur han egentligen mår. Han är så sluten.
      I never know how he really feels. He's so closed off.
  2. (mathematics) closed
    en sluten mängd
    a closed set
  3. inpatient (of care)
    sluten vård / slutenvård
    inpatient care
Inflection of sluten
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular sluten
Neuter singular slutet
Plural slutna
Masculine plural3 slutne
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 slutne
All slutna
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic
Derived terms



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