


From slikts (bad) + -ums.


sliktums m (1st declension)

  1. something bad, which does not meet certain standards or needs, which causes something unwanted
    es nedomāju par tavu sliktumuI don't think anything bad about you
  2. sorrow, trouble, bad things
    briesmīgi, ja sliktums atgadās cilvēkam, kurš ir viensit is terrible when bad thing(s) happen to a person who is alone
  3. sick feeling, nausea
    sliktumi grūtniecības laikāfeelings of nausea during pregnancy
    ai, kā reibst galva, un sliktums žņaudz pakrūti!ouch, (his) head was whirling, and a sick feeling constricted the pit of his stomach


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