- bad, badly; adverbial form of slikts
- bad, badly, poorly (not corresponding to certain requirements or expectations)
- slikti veikt savu pienākumu ― to perform one's duty badly
- slikti peldēt, dziedāt ― to swim, to sing badly
- slikti zināt svešvalodas ― to know foreign languages badly
- slikti izprast jautājumi ― to understand the question badly, poorly
- sarunas, brauciens beidzās slikti ― the conversation, the trip ended badly
- stādi aug slikti ― the plants grow badly, poorly
- šķēres griež slikti ― the scissors cut badly, poorly
- bad, badly (not in harmony, having poor relations)
- slikti saprasties ar brāli ― to understand oneself badly (= not get along) with one's brother
- tēvs ar dēlu slikti satiek ― father and son do not get along (lit. meet, relate badly)
- bad, badly (not following moral rules, rudely, tactlessly)
- slikti izturēties pret vecākiem ― to behave badly towards one's parents
- bad, badly, poorly (not fully, not normally, with difficulty)
- meitene slikti redz ― the girl sees badly, has bad eyesight
- slimnieks slikti dzird ― the sick (person) hears badly, has bad hearing
- sirds darbojas slikti ― (his) heart works badly, poorly
- organisms slikti pielāgojas jauniem apstākļiem ― the organism adapts itself badly, poorly to new circumstances
- bad, badly, sick (not well, unpleasantly, uncomfortably)
- pirms operācijas slimnieks jutās slikti ― before the operation the patient felt bad, sick
- sanatorijā ir sliktāk nekā viesnīca ― in a sanatorium it is worse (= more uncomfortable) than in a hotel
- bad, badly, poorly (in poverty, without comfort)
- te ir ļoti daudz zivju; zvejnieki nedzīvo slikti ― here there are a lot of fish; the fishermen don't live badly
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