skita i



By surface analysis, skita (to shit) + i (in). Attested since 1646.


skita i (present skiter i, preterite sket i, supine skitit i, imperative skit i)

  1. (vulgar) to not give a shit about, to ignore, to skip
    Synonyms: strunta i, (vulgar) ge fan, (skip) skippa
    Antonym: bry sig om
    De säger att jag skiter i allt, men det skiter jag i
    They say I don't give a shit about anything, but I don't give a shit about that
    Hon sket i att betala sina räkningar
    She skipped (didn't give a shit about) paying her bills
    Det ska du skita i!
    That's none of your business! (Literally "You should not give a shit about that!")
    Skit i det så lever du längre
    Mind your own business and you'll live longer (common threatening turn of phrase)

Usage notes

Not a particle verb. The stress is on skita. Compare strunta i.


Derived terms


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