From the same stem as dzidrs (“clear, limpid”) (q.v.), the difference being only the added initial (s-mobile and the consequent assimilation of the initial g to k. In older sources and in some dialects, skaidrs still means “clean,” “pure” (whence its use in skaidra nauda “cash,” formed after German bares Geld). Cognates include Lithuanian skaidrùs.[1]
- IPA(key): [skāīdrs]
skaidrs (definite skaidrais, comparative skaidrāks, superlative visskaidrākais, adverb skaidri)
- (of the weather, the sky) clean, clear, bright, without clouds
- skaidrs laiks ― clear, bright weather
- debesis skaidras, rieta pusē blāzma ― the sky (is) clear, (with) a glow on the west side
- laiks no rīta gan bija skaidrs un salts, bet ap pusdienu sāka mākties un atlaisties ― the weather in the morning was indeed clear and frosty, but around noon it began to become cloudy and mild
- visā vasarā Latvijā ir 20-30 skaidru dienu ― in Latvia in summer there are 20-30 clear, bright days
- skaidra nakts ar jaunu mēnesi un spožām zvaigznēm ― a clear night with a new moon and bright stars
- (of air, water, other fluids) clear, clean (transparent, without dirt or other substances in suspension)
- gaiss ir tīrs un skaidrs ― the air is clean and clear
- ūdens visā upes gultnē ir skaidrs un caurspīdīgs ― the water across the river bed is clear and transparent
- ledus tik skaidrs kā stikls: katru lapiņu var saredzēt dibenā ― the ice became clear like glass: every little leaf could be seen in (its) bottom
- tikai acis vēl bija skaidras, bez slimības noguruma, tās glabāja nepārtrauktu intelekta dzirksti ― only his eyes were still clear, without the tiredness of (his) illness, they kept an uninterrupted spark of intellect
- clear, simple, sharp, obvious (easy to understand or to perceive, not obscure; already well known)
- skaidrs darbības plāns ― clear plan of action
- skaidra doma ― clear thought, idea
- skaidrs dzejolis ― clear, simple poem
- skaidra simfonijas forma ― clear, simple symphony form
- skaidrs uzdevums ― clear, simple task
- nav vēl skaidrs, vai mūsu pasaule pēc rašanās pirmo reizi izplešas, vai arī tā paspējusi jau veikt vairākus ciklus ― it is not yet clear whether our world after (its) origin expanded for the (very) first time, or had already made multiple cycles
- attaisnojošie pierādijumi ir skaidri un neapgāžami ― the supporting evidence is clear and compelling
- clear (not hampered, not confused or confusing)
- prāts man skaidrāks, asāks kā jebkad ― my mind is clearer and sharper than ever
- clear, honest, true, trustworthy
- viņš smaidīja; viņam bija mierīga, skaidra seja ― he smiled; he had a peaceful, honest (lit. clear) face
- es gribu tādu skaidru, tādu jauku, tādu ne samaitātu puisi kā Visvaldis ― I want as honest (lit. clear), nice, unsophisticated a guy as Vivaldis
- (of sounds, voices) clear (well sounding, pure, without noisy parts or elements, without errors or imperfections)
- balss viņai bija tik sidraboti skaidra ― her voice was so silvery clear
- no tuvējās liepas atskanēja skaidra, skanīga putna dziesma ― from the nearby linden trees there sounded a clear, sonorous bird song
- Mirdzas Šmithenes skaisto balsi un skaidro izrunu uzskatīja par neaizstājamu ― Mirdza Šmithene's beautiful voice and clear pronunciation is considered irreplaceable
- “labdien!” viņš atbildēja skaidrā latviešu valodā ― “good morning!” he answered in clear Latvian
- sober (not under the influence of alcohol)
- uz kuģa nebijis ne lāses šņabja; tātad stūrmanis bija pilnīgi skaidrs kā neapmākusies dieniņa ― on the ship there wasn't even a drop of vodka; therefore the helmsman was completely sober (lit. clear), like a cloudless day
- Mārtiņš bija bramanīgs tikai tad, kad iereibies, skaidrā prātā bailīgs un gļēvs ― Mārtiņš was boastful only when he was drunk, on (lit. in) a clear mind (= when sober) (he was) fearful and weak
- jau skaidrā viņu grūti saprast, tagad tikai vecā zināja, ko viņš runā ― in a clear (head, i.e., sober) it was already difficult to understand him, now only the old lady knows (= understands) what he is saying
- clear, true, genuine
- skaidra nauda ― cash (lit. clear money)
- tas taču ir skaidrs meitiešu darbs! ― this is clearly girls' work!
- tā bija skaidra ņirgāšanās ― that was clear mockery
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of skaidrs
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) | ||||||
nominative (nominatīvs) | skaidrs | skaidri | skaidra | skaidras | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | skaidru | skaidrus | skaidru | skaidras | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | skaidra | skaidru | skaidras | skaidru | |||||
dative (datīvs) | skaidram | skaidriem | skaidrai | skaidrām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | skaidru | skaidriem | skaidru | skaidrām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | skaidrā | skaidros | skaidrā | skaidrās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- (of "clear", "clean"): dzidrs, caurredzams, caurspīdīgs
- (of "clear", obvious"): (acīm) redzams
- (of "bright", "shiny"): gaišs, spīdīgs, spilgts, spodrs, spožs
- (of "true", "genuine"): īsts, patiess, reāls, tīrs
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “skaidrs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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