


From she- + fox.


she-fox (plural she-foxes)

  1. (rare) Synonym of vixen.
    • 1605, Richard Verstegen, A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence.:
      fixen, This is the name of a ſhee-fox, otherwiſe & more anciently foxin. It is in reproche applyed to a woman whoſe nature and condition is thereby compared to the ſhee-fox.
    • 1652, W.B., Experiences and Tears:
      [] he was begotten of the Old Dragon, upon a ſhe Fox, or Vixon ; yet for all his Cunning, he was Tryed, found guilty, and Beheaded; []
    • 1689, Philip Ayres, Esq., Mythologia Ethica: or, Three Centuries of Æsopian Fables:
      A Lioneſs being upbraided by a She-Fox, that ſhe was not Fruitful, bringing forth but one young at a time; anſwered, 'Tis true, but what I am then delivered of, is a Lion. / Excellence conſists not in Quantity, but Quality.
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