- IPA(key): /ˈseɑtɑˣ/, [ˈs̠e̞ɑ̝t̪ɑ̝(ʔ)]
- Rhymes: -eɑtɑ
- Syllabification(key): se‧a‧ta
Inflection of seata (Kotus type 73*D/salata, k-∅ gradation) | |||||||||||||||||||||
indicative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present tense | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | sekaan | en sekaa | 1st sing. | olen seannut | en ole seannut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | sekaat | et sekaa | 2nd sing. | olet seannut | et ole seannut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | sekaa | ei sekaa | 3rd sing. | on seannut | ei ole seannut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | sekaamme | emme sekaa | 1st plur. | olemme seanneet | emme ole seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | sekaatte | ette sekaa | 2nd plur. | olette seanneet | ette ole seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | sekaavat | eivät sekaa | 3rd plur. | ovat seanneet | eivät ole seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | seataan | ei seata | passive | on seattu | ei ole seattu | ||||||||||||||||
past tense | pluperfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | sekasin | en seannut | 1st sing. | olin seannut | en ollut seannut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | sekasit | et seannut | 2nd sing. | olit seannut | et ollut seannut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | sekasi | ei seannut | 3rd sing. | oli seannut | ei ollut seannut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | sekasimme | emme seanneet | 1st plur. | olimme seanneet | emme olleet seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | sekasitte | ette seanneet | 2nd plur. | olitte seanneet | ette olleet seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | sekasivat | eivät seanneet | 3rd plur. | olivat seanneet | eivät olleet seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | seattiin | ei seattu | passive | oli seattu | ei ollut seattu | ||||||||||||||||
conditional mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | sekaisin | en sekaisi | 1st sing. | olisin seannut | en olisi seannut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | sekaisit | et sekaisi | 2nd sing. | olisit seannut | et olisi seannut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | sekaisi | ei sekaisi | 3rd sing. | olisi seannut | ei olisi seannut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | sekaisimme | emme sekaisi | 1st plur. | olisimme seanneet | emme olisi seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | sekaisitte | ette sekaisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte seanneet | ette olisi seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | sekaisivat | eivät sekaisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat seanneet | eivät olisi seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | seattaisiin | ei seattaisi | passive | olisi seattu | ei olisi seattu | ||||||||||||||||
imperative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | sekaa | älä sekaa | 2nd sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | seatkoon | älköön seatko | 3rd sing. | olkoon seannut | älköön olko seannut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | seatkaamme | älkäämme seatko | 1st plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | seatkaa | älkää seatko | 2nd plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | seatkoot | älkööt seatko | 3rd plur. | olkoot seanneet | älkööt olko seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | seattakoon | älköön seattako | passive | olkoon seattu | älköön olko seattu | ||||||||||||||||
potential mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | seannen | en seanne | 1st sing. | lienen seannut | en liene seannut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | seannet | et seanne | 2nd sing. | lienet seannut | et liene seannut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | seannee | ei seanne | 3rd sing. | lienee seannut | ei liene seannut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | seannemme | emme seanne | 1st plur. | lienemme seanneet | emme liene seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | seannette | ette seanne | 2nd plur. | lienette seanneet | ette liene seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | seannevat | eivät seanne | 3rd plur. | lienevät seanneet | eivät liene seanneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | seattaneen | ei seattane | passive | lienee seattu | ei liene seattu | ||||||||||||||||
Nominal forms | |||||||||||||||||||||
infinitives | participles | ||||||||||||||||||||
active | passive | active | passive | ||||||||||||||||||
1st | seata | present | sekaava | seattava | |||||||||||||||||
long 1st1 |
past | seannut | seattu | |||||||||||||||||
2nd | inessive2 | seatessa | seattaessa | agent3 | sekaama | ||||||||||||||||
negative | sekaamaton | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | seaten | — | 1) Used only with a possessive suffix. 2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only). | ||||||||||||||||||
3rd | inessive | sekaamassa | — | ||||||||||||||||||
elative | sekaamasta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
illative | sekaamaan | — | |||||||||||||||||||
adessive | sekaamalla | — | |||||||||||||||||||
abessive | sekaamatta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | sekaaman | seattaman | |||||||||||||||||||
4th4 | verbal noun | sekaaminen | |||||||||||||||||||
5th1 |
Derived terms
From Proto-Finnic *segat'ak. Cognates include Finnish seata and Estonian segada
- (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈseɑtɑ/, [ˈs̠e̞ɑt]
- (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈseɑtɑ/, [ˈʃe̞ɑd̥ɑ]
- Rhymes: -eɑt, -eɑtɑ
- Hyphenation: se‧a‧ta
Conjugation of seata (type 16/maata, k- gradation, gemination) | |||||
Indikativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | sekkaan | en sekkaa | 1st singular | oon seant, oon seannut | en oo seant, en oo seannut |
2nd singular | sekkaat | et sekkaa | 2nd singular | oot seant, oot seannut | et oo seant, et oo seannut |
3rd singular | sekajaa | ei sekkaa | 3rd singular | ono seant, ono seannut | ei oo seant, ei oo seannut |
1st plural | sekkaamma | emmä sekkaa | 1st plural | oomma seanneet | emmä oo seanneet |
2nd plural | sekkaatta | että sekkaa | 2nd plural | ootta seanneet | että oo seanneet |
3rd plural | sekajaat1), sekkaavat2), seataa | evät sekkaa, ei seata | 3rd plural | ovat seanneet | evät oo seanneet, ei oo seattu |
impersonal | seataa | ei seata | impersonal | ono seattu | ei oo seattu |
Imperfekta | Pluskvamperfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | sekaisin | en seant, en seannut | 1st singular | olin seant, olin seannut | en olt seant, en olt seannut |
2nd singular | sekaisit, sekkaist1) | et seant, et seannut | 2nd singular | olit seant, olit seannut | et olt seant, et olt seannut |
3rd singular | sekais | ei seant, ei seannut | 3rd singular | oli seant, oli seannut | ei olt seant, ei olt seannut |
1st plural | sekaisimma | emmä seanneet | 1st plural | olimma seanneet | emmä olleet seanneet |
2nd plural | sekaisitta | että seanneet | 2nd plural | olitta seanneet | että olleet seanneet |
3rd plural | sekaisiit1), sekaisivat2), seattii | evät seanneet, ei seattu | 3rd plural | olivat seanneet | evät olleet seanneet, ei olt seattu |
impersonal | seattii | ei seattu | impersonal | oli seattu | ei olt seattu |
Konditsionala | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | sekajaisin | en sekajais | 1st singular | olisin seant, olisin seannut | en olis seant, en olis seannut |
2nd singular | sekajaisit, sekajaist1) | et sekajais | 2nd singular | olisit seant, olisit seannut | et olis seant, et olis seannut |
3rd singular | sekajais | ei sekajais | 3rd singular | olis seant, olis seannut | ei olis seant, ei olis seannut |
1st plural | sekajaisimma | emmä sekajais | 1st plural | olisimma seanneet | emmä olis seanneet |
2nd plural | sekajaisitta | että sekajais | 2nd plural | olisitta seanneet | että olis seanneet |
3rd plural | sekajaisiit1), sekajaisivat2), seattais | evät sekajais, ei seattais | 3rd plural | olisivat seanneet | evät olis seanneet, ei olis seattu |
impersonal | seattais | ei seattais | impersonal | olis seattu | ei olis seattu |
Imperativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | — | — | 1st singular | — | — |
2nd singular | sekkaa | elä sekkaa | 2nd singular | oo seant, oo seannut | elä oo seant, elä oo seannut |
3rd singular | seatkoo | elköö seatko | 3rd singular | olkoo seant, olkoo seannut | elköö olko seant, elköö olko seannut |
1st plural | — | — | 1st plural | — | — |
2nd plural | seatkaa | elkää seatko | 2nd plural | olkaa seanneet | elkää olko seanneet |
3rd plural | seatkoot | elkööt seatko, elköö seattako | 3rd plural | olkoot seanneet | elkööt olko seanneet, elköö olko seattu |
impersonal | seattakkoo | elköö seattako | impersonal | olkoo seattu | elköö olko seattu |
Potentsiala | |||||
Preesens | |||||
positive | negative | ||||
1st singular | seannen | en seanne | |||
2nd singular | seannet | et seanne | |||
3rd singular | seannoo | ei seanne | |||
1st plural | seannemma | emmä seanne | |||
2nd plural | seannetta | että seanne | |||
3rd plural | seannoot | evät seanne, ei seattane | |||
impersonal | seattannoo | ei seattane | |||
Nominal forms | |||||
Infinitivat | Partisipat | ||||
active | passive | ||||
1st | seata | present | sekkaava | seattava | |
2nd | inessive | seatees | past | seant, seannut | seattu |
instructive | seaten | 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect. 2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect. *) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (seatkaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well. **) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative ***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential ****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition. | |||
3rd | illative | sekkaamaa | |||
inessive | sekkaamaas | ||||
elative | sekkaamast | ||||
abessive | sekkaamata | ||||
4th | nominative | sekkaamiin | |||
partitive | sekkaamista, sekkaamist |
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 514
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