


scarre (plural scarres)

  1. Obsolete form of scar.
    • 1599, [Thomas Heywood], “[The First Part]”, in The First and Second Partes of King Edvvard the Fourth. [], London: [] I. W. for Iohn Oxenbridge, [], →OCLC; reprinted Philadelphia, Pa., New York, N.Y.: The Rosenbach Company, 1922, →OCLC:
      Art thou that villaine in whoſe damned mouth, / Was neuer heard of any woꝛd but woundes? / Whoſe recreant limbes are nocht with gaping ſcarres, / Thicker then any carking craft-mans ſkoꝛe, / Whoſe very ſkalpe is ſcratcht and craſde and bꝛoken, / Like an old mazzer beaten on the ſtones, / And ſtandſt thou now to ſaue our maimed men? / A plague vppon thee coward.


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