


From Old Irish saerda, from saer (freeman; artificer).



  1. (literary) noble
    • 1700, Aodhagán Ó Rathaille, Dánta Aodhagáin Uí Rathaille, "Ar Bhás Sheagháin Mheirgigh Uí Mhathaghamhna":
      Do réir a chumais, dar Muiris níor bhréag san / Ná raibh diuic ná prionnsa i nÉirinn / Triath ná easpog, sagart ná cléireach/ Do b'fhearr 'ná Seaghán i gcáilibh saordha.
      According to his means, by Muiris it is no falsehood / There were neither duke nor prince in Erin / Nor chieftain, nor bishop, nor priest, nor scholar / Who surpassed John in noble attributes.
  2. Alternative form of saorga (artificial).


Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Eclipsis
saordha shaordha
after an, tsaordha
not applicable
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

Further reading

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