
See also: saimniecē



From saime (family, household) + -niece, or saimnieks (farmer, owner) + -e (fem.) (the latter with palatalization of k to c).


saimniece f (5th declension, masculine form: saimnieks)

  1. (female) farmer, landowner; farmer's or landowner's wife; mistress, lady (woman who organizes, manages, oversees work (usually by women) in a farm)
    rītos saimniecei bij jāceļ meitas, lai iet lopus barot un govis slauktin the morning the lady had to wake up the girls (= workers), so that they would go feed the animals and milk the cows
    es gribu, lai tu manās mājās būtu saimniece”, vīrietis teica... “mums būs jāstrādā, būs jāar zeme un rudeņos janovāc raža, bet pēc tā visa mēs varēsim sēdēt pagalmā un raudzīties uz bērniem” — “I want you to be the lady in my house,” the man said... “we will have to work, to plow the land and to harvest in autumn, but after all that we will be able to sit in the yard and watch the children”
  2. (female) owner or tenant, especially of a small business; wife of the owner of a business; hostess
    viesnīcas saimniecehotel owner (or his wife)
    skolas ēdnīcas saimniecethe hostess of the school canteen
    pansijas saimniecepension / boarding house owner, hostess
  3. landlady, (female) owner, manager of a place, house, apartment, etc.; the landlord's wife)
    dzīvokļa saimnieceapartment owner, landlady
    mazā dzīvokļa saimniece sākumā nepazina viešņuthe small apartment's owner, landlady at first did not recognize the visitor
  4. (female) owner, mistress, boss (woman who has the right to use a certain space, room, place, etc.)
    kabineta saimniecethe owner, mistress of the office
  5. owner, mistress (of a pet)
    suns iztālēm pazīst savu saimniecithe dog knows his owner, mistress from afar
  6. (female) owner (of an object)
    mēteļa saimniecethe (female) owner of the coat
  7. housekeeper, housewife; lady of the house; hostess (of guests
    taupīga, skopa saimnieceeconomical, stringy housekeeper
    saimniecēm noteikti patiks arī sešu dažādu izmēru alumīnija katliņithe housewives will be especially pleased by the aluminum pots of six different sizes
  8. mistress, manager, boss, chief (woman who runs (an organization or company, an event, etc.)
    izpildkomitejas priekšsēdētāja, nu jau vairāk nekā pusotra gadu desmita būdama pilsētas saimniece, ļoti labi zina to, kas ceļams, remontējamsthe (female) president of the executive committee, having been already more than a decade and a half the city manager, knew very well what could be built, what could be repaired



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