


rulla + -ta


  • IPA(key): /ˈrulːɑtɑˣ/, [ˈrulːɑ̝t̪ɑ̝(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -ulːɑtɑ
  • Syllabification(key): rul‧la‧ta



  1. (transitive, intransitive) to roll
    Synonyms: (transitive) pyörittää, (intransitive) pyöriä
  2. (transitive) to roll up, coil
    Synonym: kääriä
  3. to coast (glide along with no added energy)
    rullata vapaallato coast (a car in neutral or with the clutch pedal pressed)
  4. (aviation) to taxi
  5. (nautical) to roll (turn around the longitudinal axis)
    Synonyms: keinua, (aviation) kallistua
  6. (transitive, slang) to steal from, to rob, to mug
    Synonym: ryöstää
    Minut rullattiin eilen illalla kadulla.
    I was robbed on the street last night.


Inflection of rullata (Kotus type 73/salata, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. rullaan en rullaa 1st sing. olen rullannut en ole rullannut
2nd sing. rullaat et rullaa 2nd sing. olet rullannut et ole rullannut
3rd sing. rullaa ei rullaa 3rd sing. on rullannut ei ole rullannut
1st plur. rullaamme emme rullaa 1st plur. olemme rullanneet emme ole rullanneet
2nd plur. rullaatte ette rullaa 2nd plur. olette rullanneet ette ole rullanneet
3rd plur. rullaavat eivät rullaa 3rd plur. ovat rullanneet eivät ole rullanneet
passive rullataan ei rullata passive on rullattu ei ole rullattu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. rullasin en rullannut 1st sing. olin rullannut en ollut rullannut
2nd sing. rullasit et rullannut 2nd sing. olit rullannut et ollut rullannut
3rd sing. rullasi ei rullannut 3rd sing. oli rullannut ei ollut rullannut
1st plur. rullasimme emme rullanneet 1st plur. olimme rullanneet emme olleet rullanneet
2nd plur. rullasitte ette rullanneet 2nd plur. olitte rullanneet ette olleet rullanneet
3rd plur. rullasivat eivät rullanneet 3rd plur. olivat rullanneet eivät olleet rullanneet
passive rullattiin ei rullattu passive oli rullattu ei ollut rullattu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. rullaisin en rullaisi 1st sing. olisin rullannut en olisi rullannut
2nd sing. rullaisit et rullaisi 2nd sing. olisit rullannut et olisi rullannut
3rd sing. rullaisi ei rullaisi 3rd sing. olisi rullannut ei olisi rullannut
1st plur. rullaisimme emme rullaisi 1st plur. olisimme rullanneet emme olisi rullanneet
2nd plur. rullaisitte ette rullaisi 2nd plur. olisitte rullanneet ette olisi rullanneet
3rd plur. rullaisivat eivät rullaisi 3rd plur. olisivat rullanneet eivät olisi rullanneet
passive rullattaisiin ei rullattaisi passive olisi rullattu ei olisi rullattu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. rullaa älä rullaa 2nd sing.
3rd sing. rullatkoon älköön rullatko 3rd sing. olkoon rullannut älköön olko rullannut
1st plur. rullatkaamme älkäämme rullatko 1st plur.
2nd plur. rullatkaa älkää rullatko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. rullatkoot älkööt rullatko 3rd plur. olkoot rullanneet älkööt olko rullanneet
passive rullattakoon älköön rullattako passive olkoon rullattu älköön olko rullattu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. rullannen en rullanne 1st sing. lienen rullannut en liene rullannut
2nd sing. rullannet et rullanne 2nd sing. lienet rullannut et liene rullannut
3rd sing. rullannee ei rullanne 3rd sing. lienee rullannut ei liene rullannut
1st plur. rullannemme emme rullanne 1st plur. lienemme rullanneet emme liene rullanneet
2nd plur. rullannette ette rullanne 2nd plur. lienette rullanneet ette liene rullanneet
3rd plur. rullannevat eivät rullanne 3rd plur. lienevät rullanneet eivät liene rullanneet
passive rullattaneen ei rullattane passive lienee rullattu ei liene rullattu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st rullata present rullaava rullattava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st rullatakseni rullataksemme
2nd rullataksesi rullataksenne
3rd rullatakseen
past rullannut rullattu
2nd inessive2 rullatessa rullattaessa agent3 rullaama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st rullatessani rullatessamme
2nd rullatessasi rullatessanne
3rd rullatessaan
negative rullaamaton
instructive rullaten 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
4) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).

3rd inessive rullaamassa
elative rullaamasta
illative rullaamaan
adessive rullaamalla
abessive rullaamatta
instructive rullaaman rullattaman
4th4 verbal noun rullaaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st rullaamaisillani rullaamaisillamme
2nd rullaamaisillasi rullaamaisillanne
3rd rullaamaisillaan

Derived terms

Further reading



rullata f sg

  1. feminine singular of rullato
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