

Etymology 1

Borrowed from Latin repellere.


repellera (present repellerar, preterite repellerade, supine repellerat, imperative repellera)

  1. repel, push away
    Antonym: attrahera

Etymology 2

Borrowed from French rappeler.


repellera (present repellerar, preterite repellerade, supine repellerat, imperative repellera)

  1. rappel, abseil
    • 2023 August, “Nytt åtal kopplat till ryska GRU väcks”, in Svenska Dagbladet:
      ... grannarna kunde häpet se hur operatörer från nationella insatsstyrkan repellerades ner över huset samtidigt som gatan utanför fylldes av polisens mörka fordon.
      ... the neighbors could watch astonished as agents from the national task force repeled down over the house while the street outside filled with dark police vehicles.

Further reading

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