
See also: Rdr, rdr., r ḏr, and r:dr



rdr c

  1. Abbreviation of riksdaler.
    • 1860 August 15, “Malmö [Malmö]”, in Malmö Allehanda, page 1:
      Under ſiſtl. Juli månad hafwa å Statens Södra Stambana tranſporterats 36,923 pasſagerare och 74,103 centner 16 ſkålp. gods, och utgjorde inkomſterna tillsammans 30,170 rdr 65 öre Weſtra Stambanan hade under ſamma tid en inskomſt af 59,951 rdr 77 öre.
      During the last month of July, on the State's Southern Main Line, has 36,923 passengers and 74,103 centners 16 bowl-pounds of goods been transported, and the total income was 30,170 riksdaler 65 öre. The Western Main Line had during the same time an income of 59,951 riksdaler 77 öre.
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