See also: , q, Q, -q, and Q.

Middle French


  1. Abbreviation of que.
    • 15th century, Rustichello da Pisa (original author), Mazarine Master (scribe), The Travels of Marco Polo, page 12, lines 12–3:
      Et quant elle fut venue si dist aux trois barons ceste estoit celle que ilz demandoient.
      And when she arrived, she said to the three barons that this was the one that they had been asking for.

Old French


  1. Scribal abbreviation of que.
    • 13th century, Herman de Valenciennes, Assomption Nostre Dame, page 3, column 1, line 18:
      Sire tu mas mande vienge a ta maisun
      Sir, you asked that I come to your house

Old Galician-Portuguese


  1. Abbreviation of que.



  1. (obsolete) Abbreviation of que.



  1. (archaic) Abbreviation of que.
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