


See puis, que.


  • IPA(key): /pɥisk/
  • (file)



  1. since, because
    ’’Puisqu’il ne sera pas de retour avant cinq heures, je propose que nous commencions sans lui.
    Since he will not be back before 5 o’clock, I suggest we begin without him.
    • 2018, Zaz, Qué vendrá:
      Puisque nous sommes ici sans savoir ce qui nous attend un peu plus tard, laisser parler mon instinct me guérit.
      Since we're here without knowing what awaits us a little bit later, letting my instinct[s] speak heals me.

Usage notes

  • Puisque is elided to puisqu’ before a vowel.
  • Verbs subordinate to puisque do not traditionally take the subjunctive, but such usage is sometimes encountered in the speech of native Francophones.

Further reading

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