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-potewa (infinitive kupotewa)

  1. Passive form of -pota


Conjugation of -potewa
Positive present -napotewa
Subjunctive -potewe
Negative -potewi
Imperative singular potewa
Positive kupotewa
Negative kutopotewa
Singular potewa
Plural poteweni
Tensed forms
Habitual hupotewa
Positive past positive subject concord + -lipotewa
Negative past negative subject concord + -kupotewa
Positive present (positive subject concord + -napotewa)
Singular Plural
1st person ninapotewa/napotewa tunapotewa
2nd person unapotewa mnapotewa
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anapotewa wanapotewa
other classes positive subject concord + -napotewa
Negative present (negative subject concord + -potewi)
Singular Plural
1st person sipotewi hatupotewi
2nd person hupotewi hampotewi
3rd person m-wa(I/II) hapotewi hawapotewi
other classes negative subject concord + -potewi
Positive future positive subject concord + -tapotewa
Negative future negative subject concord + -tapotewa
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -potewe)
Singular Plural
1st person nipotewe tupotewe
2nd person upotewe mpotewe
3rd person m-wa(I/II) apotewe wapotewe
other classes positive subject concord + -potewe
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -sipotewe
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngepotewa
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singepotewa
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalipotewa
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalipotewa
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -apotewa)
Singular Plural
1st person napotewa twapotewa
2nd person wapotewa mwapotewa
3rd person m-wa(I/II) apotewa wapotewa
m-mi(III/IV) wapotewa yapotewa
ji-ma(V/VI) lapotewa yapotewa
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chapotewa vyapotewa
n(IX/X) yapotewa zapotewa
u(XI) wapotewa see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwapotewa
pa(XVI) papotewa
mu(XVIII) mwapotewa
Perfect positive subject concord + -mepotewa
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshapotewa
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -japotewa
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kipotewa
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipopotewa
Consecutive kapotewa / positive subject concord + -kapotewa
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kapotewe
Object concord (indicative positive)
Singular Plural
1st person -nipotewa -tupotewa
2nd person -kupotewa -wapotewa/-kupoteweni/-wapoteweni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mpotewa -wapotewa
m-mi(III/IV) -upotewa -ipotewa
ji-ma(V/VI) -lipotewa -yapotewa
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -kipotewa -vipotewa
n(IX/X) -ipotewa -zipotewa
u(XI) -upotewa see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kupotewa
pa(XVI) -papotewa
mu(XVIII) -mupotewa
Reflexive -jipotewa
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + (object concord) + -potewa- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -potewaye -potewao
m-mi(III/IV) -potewao -potewayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -potewalo -potewayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -potewacho -potewavyo
n(IX/X) -potewayo -potewazo
u(XI) -potewao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -potewako
pa(XVI) -potewapo
mu(XVIII) -potewamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + (object concord) + -potewa)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yepotewa -opotewa
m-mi(III/IV) -opotewa -yopotewa
ji-ma(V/VI) -lopotewa -yopotewa
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chopotewa -vyopotewa
n(IX/X) -yopotewa -zopotewa
u(XI) -opotewa see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kopotewa
pa(XVI) -popotewa
mu(XVIII) -mopotewa
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.
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