
See also: pjas



From French pièce, from Late Latin pettia, from Gaulish *pettyā, from Proto-Celtic *kʷezdis.


  • IPA(key): /pjɛːs/
  • (file)


pjäs c

  1. a play, a piece (to be performed at a theater)
    Synonym: teaterpjäs
    Shakespeares pjäser
    Shakespeare's plays
    uppföra en pjäs
    perform a play
  2. an (artillery) piece (large weapon, for example a canon or howitzer)
    artillery piece
  3. a piece, a man (in a board game)
    Synonym: spelpjäs (game piece)
    Jag flyttade min pjäs fem steg
    I moved my piece five steps
    chess pieces
  4. a (larger, often heavier) object (often a decorative one), a piece, a piece of work
    Den där bronsstatyn är en tung pjäs
    That bronze statue is heavy piece
    Wow, vilken pjäs!
    Wow, what a piece (implying imposing characteristics or the like)!
    Rejäl pjäs, den där kängurun
    Quite a piece, that kangaroo (implying muscularity – colloquial)

Usage notes

Sometimes used jocularly for a (large) penis in (sense 4) (or perhaps (sense 2)).


Declension of pjäs 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative pjäs pjäsen pjäser pjäserna
Genitive pjäs pjäsens pjäsers pjäsernas

Derived terms


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