


pie- + krist (to fall)


piekrist (intransitive, 1st conjugation, present piekrītu, piekrīti, piekrīt, past piekritu)

  1. to agree (with) [+dative] (harmonize in opinion)
    Es tev pilnīgi piekrītu.I completely agree with you.
    Es piekrītu jūsu viedoklim.I agree with your point of view.
  2. to agree (to), consent (to), assent (to) [+dative]
    Nospiežot pogu "Piekrītu" jūs apstiprināt, ka piekrītat sīkdatņu izmantošanai.
    By clicking the "I agree" button you confirm that you agree to the use of cookies.
    Šie ir nosacījumi, kuriem mēs nevaram piekrist.
    These are conditions to which we cannot agree.
    Opozīcijas partijas piekrita grozījumam.
    The opposition parties agreed to the amendment.


Derived terms

  • piekrišana
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