


persedel c

  1. a piece of clothing
    Synonyms: klädesplagg, plagg
    • 2023 May 22, TT, “Ebba Busch vill stoppa slit- och slängkulturen – avhandlas nu i EU [Ebba Busch wants to stop the wear and tear culture - now being discussed in the EU]”, in SVT Nyheter:
      Världens stora klädfirmor ska hindras från att förstöra tillbakaskickade persedlar om EU-länderna får som de vill.
      The world's major clothing companies will be prevented from destroying returned garments if the EU countries get their way.
  2. a piece of equipment or kit (often in the military)
  3. an article; an item; a product
    Synonym: artikel


Declension of persedel 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative persedel persedeln persedlar persedlarna
Genitive persedels persedelns persedlars persedlarnas

Derived terms

See also


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