

Alternative forms


From páxaru.


  • IPA(key): /paʃaˈɾeɾu/, [pa.ɕaˈɾe.ɾu]


paxareru m sg (feminine singular paxarera, neuter singular paxarero, masculine plural paxareros, feminine plural paxareres)

  1. bright (a color)
  2. of striking and bright colors (the clothes)
    Synonyms: charru, pintureru
    Antonym: mortizu
    Esi traxe ye bien paxareru
    That suit is very bright
    • 2008 September 21, Ánxel Nava, “Mateín”, in La Nueva España:
      Colos años, andáu como taba, punxéronse a remocicalu y dalguién con más enfotu que mano dexólu paxareru y espintarraxáu como una pepona. Conque nun s'atrevieron a sacalu más. D'esa muerte primera sacólu Cancio, gran actor y amigu, que yo tuve la suerte de tratalu.
      With the years, after travelling as he travelled (?), they began to rejuvenate him and someone with more trust than hand left him colorful and painted like a doll. So they didn't dare take him out again. From that first death Cancio took him out, great actor and friend, who I was lucky to meet.
    • 2021 August 9, Adrián Carbayales, “¿Namás que faen películes de superhéroes?”, in Refuelgu!:
      [...] Masque fora pa Marvel Studios, la espía qu’interpretó Scarlett Johansson nun va con mázcara y ropa paxarero, nun tien identidá secreta nin superpoder dalu (nos cómics pincháron-y un sueru asemeyao al del Capitán América, pero nes películes dexaron eso pa prau), y la estructura de la película, na que viaxa per tol mundu pa enfrentase a una organización malvada, con dalgún xiru de si un bonu ye malu o un malu bonu, tien muncho más que ver con una película de James Bond que con una de Los Vengadores.
      Even though it had been for Marvel Studios, the spy that Scarlett Johansson played doesn't wear a mask and colorful clothing, she doesn't have a secret identity nor any given superpower (in the comics they injected her a serum similar to Captain America's, but in the films they left that out), and the estructure of the film, in the which she travels worldwide to fight an evil organization, with some twists a good guy is bad or a bag guy is good, it has a lot more to do with a James Bond film than with an Avengers film.
  3. person who wears clothes of striking and bright colors
  4. unserious cheerful person, goofball
    Synonyms: chisgarabís, xarelu
    Antonyms: igualáu, seriu, turníu
    Siempre viste un paxellu de colorinos, ye mui paxarera
    She always wears a colorful dress, she is very cheerful

Derived terms


  • "paxareru" in Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana (DGLA)
  • "paxareru" in Diccionariu de la Llingua Asturiana (DALLA)
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