


From pass + -oid.


passoid (plural passoids)

  1. (transgender slang, 4chan, sometimes derogatory) A transgender person who is passing.
    Antonym: hon
    • 2020 May 4, anonymous author, 4chan, /lgbt/:
      easy to say as a passoid
    • 2022 July 27, @MalesOfReddit, Twitter, archived from the original on 2023-02-03:
      I find it very interesting that "hons" (ugly masculine men) and "passoids" have so much animosity
    • 2022 November 4, @kateisdeflate, Twitter, archived from the original on 2023-02-02:
      i don't usually block chasers, but if any tgirl calls me a youngshit or a passoid it's on sight
    • 2022 November 9, @FemboyLifestyle, Twitter, archived from the original on 2022-11-15:
      Our FedEx delivery person is a voice passoid
    • 2023 January 28, @Cassandra_Nya, Twitter, archived from the original on 2023-02-03:
      I used to really hate being tall, but now that I've been on E for a while and am a bit of a passoid I've realized that being a tall queen is hot shit and I am totally here for it. I love being a 6'3 blonde bitch.

Derived terms

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