


From partage + -er. Displaced partir in the sense of "to share, to divide".


  • IPA(key): /paʁ.ta.ʒe/
  • (file)



  1. to share
    Nous allons partager les bénéficesWe are going to share the benefits
    Le Canada entretient une relation de premier plan avec les États-Unis, pays avec lequel il partage la plus longue frontière non défendue du monde, frontière où les échanges économiques transfrontaliers sont parmi les plus importants du globe.
    Canada maintains a high-profile relationship with the United States, a country with which it shares the longest undefended border in the world, a border where the cross-border economic exchanges are among the most important on the globe.
  2. to divide up
    Ils partagèrent la succession en deuxThey divided the estate in two
  3. to divide
    Les questions de la guerre et de la paix partageront le paysIssues of war and peace will divide the country.
  4. to share out
    Je partageai les provisions avec tout le mondeI shared the provisions with everyone.


This is a regular -er verb, but the stem is written partage- before endings that begin with -a- or -o- (to indicate that the -g- is a "soft" /ʒ/ and not a "hard" /ɡ/). This spelling-change occurs in all verbs in -ger, such as neiger and manger.

Further reading

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