From Middle Low German ordenen, from Latin ōrdināre (“to arrange, govern”). Compare Swedish ordna, German ordnen.
- IPA(key): /ɔrdnə/, [ˈɒːd̥nə], (proscribed) IPA(key): [ˈɒːnə]
ordne (past tense ordnede, past participle ordnet)
- to order, arrange, organize (to put in the right sequence)
- to sort out, adjust, fix, tidy up (to set in the proper order)
- at ordne sit hår eller sit tøj
- to adjust one's hair or one's clothes
- to see to, to take care of, sort out, straighten out, deal with, settle (a problem or a conflict)
- (slang) to defeat in combat (with or without the result of death)
- 2014, Sven Ørnø, Dyndhåb, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
- Alle sagde, at han var for stærk for mig, og ingen kunne vinde over ham i et slagsmål, men jeg viste dem sgu noget andet. Jeg ordnede ham nemt.
- Everyone said that he was too strong for me, and that no one could take him in a fight, but I sure proved them wrong. I easily did him.
- 2015, Bo Reinholdt, Øjets purpur, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
- Kort og godt: han begyndte at gøre tilnærmelser til vore koner, og en af dem sladrede – og den gik jo ikke! Så mødte vi mandfolk op og ordnede ham.
- In brief: he began to make approaches to our wives, and one of them tattled - and that was unacceptable! Then we men came and did him.
- (vulgar, slang) to fuck, to do
- 1984, Jens Michael Schau, Himlen begynder ved jorden, repr. 2016, Lindhardt og Ringhof →ISBN
- Lad være med at nægte. Jeg overraskede jer. Og om morgenen fandt jeg hendes trusser på pladespilleren. Du ordnede hende, ikke?
- Don't deny it. I caught you. And in the morning, I found her panties on the record player. You did her, didn't you?
- 1983, Christian Kampmann, Sunshine, repr. 2017, Gyldendal A/S →ISBN
- Det endte med at jeg måtte holde hendes arme presset ned mod tæppet mens jeg ordnede hende med det eneste uskadte af mine lemmer.
- I ended up having to hold her arms pressed down into the blanket while doing her with my only uninjured limb.
- 1984, Jens Michael Schau, Himlen begynder ved jorden, repr. 2016, Lindhardt og Ringhof →ISBN
Derived terms
Further reading
Audio (file)
- inflection of ordnen:
- first-person singular present
- singular imperative
- first/third-person singular subjunctive I
- IPA(key): /ˈɔtnə/
Further reading
Norwegian Bokmål
From Middle Low German ordenen.
ordne (imperative ordn or ordne, present tense ordner, passive ordnes, simple past and past participle ordna or ordnet, present participle ordnende)
- to arrange, fix, take care of
- to organise, put in order
Derived terms
- “ordne” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk
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