
Old English

Alternative forms

  • ancnāwan


From Proto-West Germanic *andaknāan, equivalent to on- + cnāwan. Cognate with Old High German intknāen, inknāen.



  1. to recognize
    • c. 992, Ælfric, "On the Nativity of our Lord"
      Þa hyrdas gesawon, and oncnēowon be ðam cilde, swā swā him gesǽd wæs.
      The shepherds saw and recognized the child, as had to them been told.
  2. to acknowledge
    • c. 992, Ælfric, "The Assumption of St. John the Apostle"
      Iohannes þa gegaderode ðæra gymstana bricas, and beseah to heofonum, þus cweðende, "Drihten Hælend, nis ðe nan ðing earfoðe; þu ge-edstaðelodest ðisne tobrocenan middangeard on þinum geleaffullum, þurh tácen þære halgan rode; ge-edstaðela nu þas deorwurðan gymstanas, ðurh ðinra engla handa, þæt ðas nytenan menn þine mihta oncnāwon, and on þe gelyfon."
      John then gathered the fragments of the jewels, and looked to heaven, thus saying, "Lord Jesus, to thee nothing is difficult; thou didst restore this crushed world for thy faithful, through sign of the holy rood; restore now these precious gems, by thy angels' hands, that these ignorant men may acknowledge thy powers, and in thee believe."


Derived terms

  • oncnāwend
  • oncnāwennes
  • oncnāwung
  • ācnāwan
  • oncnāwnes
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