
See also: OLC and ölç



From Old Irish olc, from Proto-Celtic *ulkos.[1]


  • IPA(key): /ɔl̪ˠk/, /ɔlˠk/[2][3]


olc m (genitive singular oilc, nominative plural oilc)

  1. evil
  2. bad (in the world; of people, things)
  3. misfortune
  4. grudge



olc (genitive singular masculine oilc, genitive singular feminine oilce, plural olca, comparative measa)

  1. bad, evil
  2. unfortunate
  3. wicked




Irish mutation
RadicalEclipsiswith h-prothesiswith t-prothesis
olc n-olc holc not applicable
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.


  1. G. Toner, M. Ní Mhaonaigh, S. Arbuthnot, D. Wodtko, M.-L. Theuerkauf, editors (2019), “olc”, in eDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language
  2. Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931) Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, page 20
  3. Quiggin, E. C. (1906) A Dialect of Donegal, Cambridge University Press, page 39

Further reading

Old Irish

Alternative forms


From Proto-Celtic *ulkos, of uncertain etymology. May be related to Latin ulcus and English ill. Alternatively, it may be from Proto-Indo-European *wĺ̥kʷos (wolf), although there are considerable phonological and semantic difficulties with this etymology.


  • IPA(key): /olk/


olc (comparative messa, superlative mesam)

  1. bad, evil
    • c. 800–825, Diarmait, Milan Glosses on the Psalms, published in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 7–483, Ml. 51b10
      In tan as·mber Dauid “intellectum tibi dabo”, sech is arde són do·mbéra Día do neuch nod·n-eirbea ind ⁊ génas triit con·festar cid as imgabthi do dénum di ulc ⁊ cid as déinti dó di maith. Aithesc trá lesom insin a persin Dǽ.
      When David says, “I will give thee understanding”, that is a sign that God will give to everyone that will trust in him, and work through him, that he may know what evil he must avoid doing, and what good he must do. He has then here a reply in the person of God.


Due to the adjective's near-exclusive use as a nominative predicative adjective (with the prefix droch serving attributive function), inflections of the adjective are rarely, if ever, encountered. However, inflections of substantivized forms of this adjective are common.

Singular Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative olc olc olc
Vocative uilc*
Accusative olc uilc
Genitive uilc uilce uilc
Dative ulc uilc ulc
Plural Masculine Feminine/neuter
Nominative uilc olca
Vocative ulcu
Accusative ulcu
Genitive olc
Dative olcaib
Notes *modifying a noun whose vocative is different from its nominative

**modifying a noun whose vocative is identical to its nominative
† not when substantivized


  • Irish: olc
  • Manx: olk
  • Scottish Gaelic: olc


Old Irish mutation
olc unchanged n-olc
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

Further reading

Scottish Gaelic


From Old Irish olc, from Proto-Celtic *ulkos.


  • IPA(key): /ɔɫ̪xk/


olc m (genitive uilc, plural uilc)

  1. evil, wickedness
    Nar fhaiceam olc, nar chluinneam olc, nar labhram olc.See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
    Chan eil cleith air an olc ach gun a dhèanamh.The only way to conceal evil is not to commit it.
  2. harm, hurt
  3. infamy, mischief, wrongdoing


olc (comparative miosa, qualitative noun miosad)

  1. evil, wicked, bad
    'S olc an comharradh air a' chreig na h-eòin a bhith a' falbh aisteIt's a bad sign on the rock for the birds to go away.
  2. infamous, untoward, reprobate


Derived terms

  • cha tig olc à teine (fire purifies (fig.))
  • co-olc (anger)
  • co-olcach (angry)
  • co-olcail (angry, annoyed)
  • eadar math is olc (both good and bad)
  • olc no èiginn (one way or another, anyway)
  • olcas (wickedness, badness)
  • thig an t-olc na bheachd (speak of the Devil)
  • thig an t-olc ri iomradh (speak of the Devil)


Scottish Gaelic mutation
RadicalEclipsiswith h-prothesiswith t-prothesis
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.
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