nudging (plural nudgings)
- The act of giving a nudge; pushing, touching.
- Hinting or influencing people's choices (according to nudge theory); softly controlling.
- It has been remarked that nudging is also a euphemism for psychological manipulation as practiced in social engineering.
Hinting or influencing
nudging c
- A nudging, hinting or influencing people's choices.
- 2023 September 27, Johan Croon, “Ica testar nudging på ekovaror i flera butiker [ICA is testing nudging on organic products in multiple stores.]”, in Fri Köpenskap:
- ICA ska öka försäljningen av ekolo- giska varor genom nudging för att vända den negativa trenden av eko- livsmedel.
- ICA is going to increase the sales of organic products through nudging to reverse the negative trend of organic food.
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