nos da



nos da

  1. good night



  • IPA(key): /ˌnoːs ˈdaː/, [ˌnoːˈstaː]


nos da

  1. good night

Usage notes

  • Although nos is a feminine noun, the expected soft mutation of da is absent because of an old rule (now inoperative) that disallowed /ð/ after another dental consonant. Compare also wythnos diwethaf f (last week) with the same fossilized non-mutation.[1]
  • Nos da is used upon retiring to bed or of an evening when one will not see another until the next day. In the latter situation, it may be used slightly earlier in the day than is usual for the corresponding English phrase, especially in the early darkness of a late winter afternoon.


  1. Morris Jones, John (1913) A Welsh Grammar, Historical and Comparative, Oxford: Clarendon Press, § 111 vii (2), page 186
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