


From noose + -er.


  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈnusɚ/


nooser (plural noosers)

  1. Someone who uses a noose.
    • 1868, Alfred Elliott, The Forest, the Jungle, and the Prairie; or, Scenes with the Trapper and the Hunter in Many Lands, page 321:
      Siribeddi followed with the same laggard step, and drew herself close up in his rear, enabling the native who acted as nooser, and who had followed stealthily behind, to slip the noose over the hind foot of the wild elephant.
    • 1912, Outing: Sport, Adventure, Travel, Fiction, Volume 59, W. B. Holland, page 269,
      A nooser, lithe and active as an eel, slid down the pad-rope of his decoy and, waiting until the attention of the captive had been momentarily distracted, slipped a thick noose of rawhide around the hind ankle of his prize.
    • 1931, The Literary Digest, volume 108, Funk & Wagnalls, page 37:
      It is the ambition of each and every nooser to capture the first elephant; for he to whom falls this honor is considered the hero of the day, and in recognition of his skill and bravery is rewarded by His Excellency the Governor with an elephant book of Kandyan lacquer with brass and silver overlay.


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