


From nigga + -cide.


niggacide (plural niggacides)

  1. (ethnic slur) A supposed substance said to have been developed for eradicating black people.
    • 1999 December 2, Will Lynch, “GENETIC PROOF NIGGERS NOT HUMAN”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
      It also will give doctors new information to develop better biological niggacides Scumbled added.
    • 2001 January 12, Byker, “Natural deniggafucation”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
      Scientists have developed a deadly nigger specific virus that is the world's best niggacide; according to Dr Josef Lynch Mengele, a Professor at White Nationalist University who has invented the fatal smallpox-type virus that only kills fecal colored critters.
    • 2005 April 12, \/\/, “Re: tommikins lack basic personal honour”, in soc.culture.zimbabwe (Usenet):
      ANGOLA, Africoonia - World Health Organization Health workers who were attacked by invincibly ignorant shitskinned savages for spreading a deadly Ebola-like virus have resumed efforts to study the effects of niggacides, the World Health Organization said Sunday.
    • 2009 May 29,, “Re: NEW NIGGACIDE SUCESSFULLY TESTED IN AFRICOONIA”, in neworleans.general (Usenet):
      This Niggacide was developed to spread from nig to nog through contact with infected body fluids.
    • 2011 July 24, TRUE, “Re: New Product Announcement from LILY WHYTE LABS !”, in soc.penpals (Usenet):
      Dr. Whyte is also developing Niggacides for rutting bucks, including "ContraCoon" as an alternative to poison in areas where nigger overpopulations are out of control.

See also

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