- IPA(key): /nîɡda/
- Hyphenation: nig‧da
nȉgda (Cyrillic spelling ни̏гда)
- (dialectal or Kajkavian) never
- 1815, Filip Višnjić, “Smrt Marka Kraljevića” [“The Death of Prince Marko”], published 1845 in Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Srpske narodne pjesme:
- Ево има сто и шесет љета
Како сам се с тобом састануо,
Још ми нигда посрнуо ниси,
А данас ми поче посртати,
Посртати и сузе ронити:
Нека Бог зна, добро бити не ће,
Хоће једном бити према глави,
Јали мојој, јали према твојој.- Look, it’s been a hundred and sixty years
since I joined up with you;
till now you’ve never once stumbled,
but today you started to stumble,
to stumble and to drop tears:
God knows nothing good will come of this,
one of us will get it on the head,
either on mine, or on yours.
- Look, it’s been a hundred and sixty years
- 1815, Filip Višnjić, “Smrt Marka Kraljevića” [“The Death of Prince Marko”], published 1845 in Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Srpske narodne pjesme:
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