



  1. (post-Classical) dative/ablative plural of nēmō
    Synonym: (Classical) nūllīs
    • 1479, November 21, Pierre d'Aubusson , (magisterial bull; Archives of the Order of Malta (National Library of Malta, Valletta) 387 ft. 1r-6v):[1]
      Videt inimicus se cum vicinis paccatum neminibusque prospicit suis conatibus vires obvecturas.
      • 2015 translation by Theresa M. Vann and Donald J. Kagay
        The enemy saw that he could not make an agreement with the inhabitants and foresaw that he would have to overthrow our forces by his own efforts.
      Nam committi possunt fidedignes regimina Catholicique principes non deruerunt qui prudens fidei catholice dicatis favorem seu presidium imperitaveruntur Christi quasque fideles honestum retinere a vobis subscriptum conspicientes manus porrigent adventuros quominus in neminibus detrimenta patriae.
      • 2015 translation by Theresa M. Vann and Donald J. Kagay
        [...] ordered the favor and the protection of Christ. The princes also ordered that those faithful maintain the honors written below by you; and that they should protect those extending their hands for help so that no one in the Fatherland will suffer damage.
        (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • c. 1980 – 2005, Joseph D. Carroll, O Horatii, O Catulle :[2]
      neminibus idoneam in nova orbis terra, / nunc verbos significationem habere
      • Translation by Joseph D. Carroll
        suitable for no one in their modern world, / now that your words have no meaning.
  2. Misspelling of nōminibus.
    • 1795, Sinodo inedito di Pilleo Cardinal Prata, Vescovo di padova, e notizie della di lui vita, page 191:
      Rev. in Χρο pater et dns dns Pilleus Dei et aplīce Sedis gratia Ēps Paduanus suo ac Eccl̄e sue paduane neminibus locavit.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


  1. Vann, Theresa M., Kagay, Donald J. (2015) Hospitaller Piety and Crusader Propaganda: Guillaume Caoursin's Description of the Ottoman Siege of Rhodes, 1480, pages 270, 273
  2. "Poesis Latina A Joseph D. Carroll Scripta", Contemporary Latin Poetry", web, Marc Moskowitz
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