navalla f (plural navalles)
- razor
- jack-knife, pocketknife
- the sword razor (Ensis ensis), a prized species of razor clam
Derived terms
- navalla recta
- navalló
Further reading
- “navalla” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
- “navalla”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2024
- “navalla” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
- “navalla” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.

Alternative forms
From Old Galician-Portuguese navalla (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Latin novācula.
- IPA(key): [naˈβaʎɐ]
navalla f (plural navallas)
- razor
- 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 393:
- Et tragíã seus escudos enbraçados et suas lanças ẽnas mãos, et moytos deles tragíã hũas azcũas grãdes et anchas de açeyro, linpas et cortadores cõmo nauallas
- They brought their shields on, and their spears in their hands, and many of them brought large and wide javelins of steel, clean and cutting as razors
- pocketknife
- 1891, José Barral Campos, O amigo de S. Pedro:
- Dimpois de comer dúas cuncas de caldo, deitouse na cama, sacou da faltrica do chaleque dous cigarros e unha navalla e liando un pito, púxose a fumegar polas ventas das narices, o mesmo có tren.
- After eating two bowls of broth he laid down on the bed; he took two cigars and a pocketknife from the vest's pocket and, rolling a cigarette, began to throw smoke by the nostrils, not unlike a train
- razor shell (Ensis ensis, Ensis magnus)
- “navalla” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
- “naualla” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
- “navalla” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
- “navalla” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
- “navalla” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
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