


From nagrda. Related to Estonian naer, Finnish nauru, Ingrian nagro, Karelian nagro and Votic nagru. This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.



  1. laughter


Inflection of nagr (inflection type 1/ilo)
nominative sing. nagr
genitive sing. nagrun
partitive sing. nagrud
partitive plur.
singular plural
nominative nagr
accusative nagrun
genitive nagrun
partitive nagrud
essive-instructive nagrun
translative nagruks
inessive nagrus
elative nagruspäi
illative nagruhu
adessive nagrul
ablative nagrulpäi
allative nagrule
abessive nagruta
comitative nagrunke
prolative nagrudme
approximative I nagrunno
approximative II nagrunnoks
egressive nagrunnopäi
terminative I nagruhusai
terminative II nagrulesai
terminative III nagrussai
additive I nagruhupäi
additive II nagrulepäi
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