
De ser ut att leva i nöd

mycket svår nöd (hungersnöd)
From Old Norse nauð, from Proto-Norse *ᚾᚨᚢᛞᛁᛉ (*naudiʀ), from Proto-Germanic *naudiz, *nauþiz.
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -øːd
nöd c
- distress
- distress due to lack (of food, housing, or the like); need, want, (sometimes) poverty, famine, etc.
- hungersnöd
- famine ("hunger distress")
- Alla i byn håller på att svälta ihjäl. Det råder nöd.
- Everyone in the village is on their way to starving to death. There is distress.
- Godzilla har förstört alla hus i byn. Folk tvingas sova utomhus. Nöden är svår.
- Godzilla has destroyed every house in the village. People are forced to sleep outdoors. There is great distress.
- Vi måste lindra deras nöd
- We must alleviate their need/distress
- nöden i det fattiga landet
- the plight of the poor country
- De lever i svår nöd
- They live in great poverty/need/distress
- Unga lejon lider nöd och hungrar
- The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger (Psalms 34:10, "lida nöd" ("suffer distress") is a common collocation)
- (figuratively) lack (of something, more generally)
- tidsnöd
- lack of time
- distress more generally, emergency
- en nödsituation / ett nödläge
- an emergency
- sjönöd
- distress at sea, maritime emergency
- handla i nödvärn
- act in self-defense ("emergency defense")
- inte bruka mer/större våld än nöden kräver
- not use more violence than the distress requires (idiomatic, of self-defense and the like)
- och vi kommo med knapp nöd inemot Knidus. ... Det var med knapp nöd som vi kommo där förbi (archaic language)
- and scarce were come over against Cnidus, ... And, hardly passing it (Acts 27:7-8)
- han som tröstar oss i all vår nöd, så att vi genom den tröst vi själva undfå av Gud kunna trösta dem som äro stadda i allahanda nöd (archaic language)
- Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (2 Corinthians 1:4)
- distress due to lack (of food, housing, or the like); need, want, (sometimes) poverty, famine, etc.
Declension of nöd | ||||
Uncountable | ||||
Indefinite | Definite | |||
Nominative | nöd | nöden | — | — |
Genitive | nöds | nödens | — | — |
Related terms
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