my man

See also: mỹ mãn



  • (file)


my man

  1. (informal) A familiar term of address for a man.
    • 1886, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad, Folk and Fairy Tales, page 270:
      "Yes, yes! that's all very well," said the king; " but I am afraid it's of very little use, my man."
  2. (informal) A casual, complimentary term of address for a man.
    That's my man right there!



my man

  1. (US, slang) A term of address for a man, conveying awe or enthusiastic agreement.
    Right on! My man!


my man (third-person singular, masculine, nominative or objective case)

  1. (slang) He or him.
    My man thought it was a good idea.

See also

Further reading

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