

Alternative forms

  • Mongoloid (especially the racial classification)


Mongol + -oid



mongoloid (plural mongoloids)

  1. (anthropology, dated, offensive) A member of the racial classification of humanity composed of peoples native to North Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Pacific Oceania, and the Americas, as well as their diaspora in other parts of the world.
    • 1983, Bertha Pauline Dutton, American Indians of the Southwest, page 3:
      Both American Indians and Mongoloids have shovel-shaped incisor teeth and, at birth, display the Mongoloid spot — a blue spot above the rump, which fades within a short time; many also have the Mongoloid, or epicanthic, fold of the inner part of the upper eyelid.
    • 1991, Floyd James Davis, Who is Black?: One Nation's Definition, page 19:
      On the average, he found caucasoids to have the longest heads and mongoloids the roundest; mongoloids the straightest hair and negroids the most tightly curled; caucasoids the narrowest noses and negroids the broadest.
    • 1997, Masatoshi Nei, Arun K. Roychoudhury, Genetic Relationship and Evolution of Human Races, page 38:
      As before, the genetic distance between Caucasoid and Mongoloid is the smallest and that between Negroid and Mongoloid is the largest.
  2. (now offensive) A person with Down syndrome.
    • 1967, W. Wolfensberger, “13: Counseling Parents of the Retarded”, in Alfred A. Baumeister, editor, Ameliorating Mental Disability: Questioning Retardation, published 2009, page 376:
      Kirman (1953) drew attention to some physicians' reluctance to offer even ordinary and routine medical care to mongoloids, whose treatment they consider a waste of time.
    • 1977, Diana Crane, The Sanctity of Social Life: Physicians' Treatment of Critically Ill Patients, page 97:
      It is therefore of interest to examine hospital records of mongoloid children with heart defects in order to find out how frequently operations are performed upon these children.
    • 1994, Meira Weiss, Conditional Love: Parents' Attitudes Toward Handicapped Children, page 102:
      The operation made each feature, itself, look O.K., but her overall looks are still those of a Mongoloid. Her facial expression immediately reveals that she is different. She still has that peculiar look. You can see she has Down's syndrome.
  3. (offensive) Idiot, retard; a general term of abuse, due to association with Down syndrome.

Usage notes

Due to associations with old racial (and racist) theories (as with Caucasoid, Negroid), and associations with Down syndrome, the term is highly offensive.

Derived terms

  • (idiot, retard): mong, mongo (British, chiefly Scottish)


See also



  • IPA(key): /ˌmɔŋɡoloˈʔiːt/
  • (file)


mongoloid (strong nominative masculine singular mongoloider, not comparable)

  1. (somewhat dated) affected by the Down syndrome; mongoloid

Usage notes

  • The German adjective is not usually considered offensive, or at most very slightly so. Nevertheless, constructions with Downsyndrom are now more common.

Derived terms

See also



Borrowed from French mongoloïde.


mongoloid m or n (feminine singular mongoloidă, masculine plural mongoloizi, feminine and neuter plural mongoloide)

  1. mongoloid



mongoloid m (plural mongoloizi)

  1. mongoloid




mongoloid (not comparable)

  1. (anthropology, dated, offensive) mongoloid
  2. (dated, now offensive) mongoloid (having Down syndrome)
  3. (slang, offensive) idiotic, retarded

Usage notes

The singular indefinite neuter is avoided according to the references, but "mongoloit" is what would intuitively be expected (and is attested).


Inflection of mongoloid
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular mongoloid
Neuter singular mongoloit
Plural mongoloida
Masculine plural3 mongoloide
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 mongoloide
All mongoloida
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic


mongoloid c

  1. (anthropology, dated, offensive) a mongoloid
  2. (dated, now offensive) a mongoloid (person with Down syndrome)
  3. (slang, offensive) an idiot, a retard


Declension of mongoloid 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative mongoloid mongoloiden mongoloider mongoloiderna
Genitive mongoloids mongoloidens mongoloiders mongoloidernas

See also


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