


Ultimately from Ancient Greek μοιχός (moikhós).



moechor (present infinitive moechārī, perfect active moechātus sum); first conjugation, deponent

  1. to commit adultery
    • 405 CE, Jerome, Vulgate Exodus 20:14:
      Nōn moechāberis.
      Thou shalt not commit adultery.


   Conjugation of moechor (first conjugation, deponent)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present moechor moechāris,
moechātur moechāmur moechāminī moechantur
imperfect moechābar moechābāris,
moechābātur moechābāmur moechābāminī moechābantur
future moechābor moechāberis,
moechābitur moechābimur moechābiminī moechābuntur
perfect moechātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect moechātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect moechātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present moecher moechēris,
moechētur moechēmur moechēminī moechentur
imperfect moechārer moechārēris,
moechārētur moechārēmur moechārēminī moechārentur
perfect moechātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect moechātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present moechāre moechāminī
future moechātor moechātor moechantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives moechārī moechātum esse moechātūrum esse
participles moechāns moechātus moechātūrus moechandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
moechandī moechandō moechandum moechandō moechātum moechātū


  • moechor”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • moechor”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • moechor in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
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