

Etymology 1

From Middle English misbering, misberinge, equivalent to misbear + -ing.


misbearing (uncountable)

  1. (obsolete) bearing amiss, especially as pertaining to one's conduct; misconduct
    • 1851, William Shaw Russell, Pilgrim Memorials, and Guide for Visitors to Plymouth Village:
      Your letters of July and October 1689 are come well to hand, and I am very glad to hear of your welfare, as also that there is a way discovered of sending letters with much more security of not misbearing, than heretofore, for truly it cannot but be a desirable thing for friends to converse one with another, the which, when it cannot be personal, as ours cannot.

Etymology 2

From misbear + -ing.



  1. present participle and gerund of misbear
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