See also: ministrā and ministrą
ministra f (plural ministre)
- female equivalent of ministro
- 2019 January 8, Silvia Morosi, “Gilet gialli, Di Maio risponde alla ministra francese: «Macron ci paragonava alla lebbra. Ipocrita»”, in Corriere della Sera:
- Il vicepremier risponde alla ministra per gli Affari europei Nathalie Loiseau cha aveva dichiarato: «Salvini e il capo dei 5 Stelle imparino a fare pulizia in casa loro». La replica di Parigi: «Serve rispetto, Roma pensi al benessere degli italiani, Parlerò con Moavero»
- The vice-president answers minister of European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau, who declared: "Salvini and the head of the Five Stars better learn to clean their own mess." The reply from Paris: "There needs to be respect. Rome should think about the well-being of Italians. I will speak with Moavero."
Usage notes
- Formerly proscribed form.[1]
- “La Crusca risponde: il ministro o la ministra?”, in Accademia della Crusca, 2013 December 5
ministra f (genitive ministrae, masculine minister); first declension
First-declension noun.
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | ministra | ministrae |
Genitive | ministrae | ministrārum |
Dative | ministrae | ministrīs |
Accusative | ministram | ministrās |
Ablative | ministrā | ministrīs |
Vocative | ministra | ministrae |
- “ministra”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- “ministra”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- ministra in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
- IPA(key): /miˈɲis.tra/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -istra
- Syllabification: mi‧nis‧tra
ministra f (male equivalent minister)
- (government, neologism) female equivalent of minister (“minister, ministress, ministrix”) (politician who heads a ministry)
- 2013 December 30, Artur Pacewicz, Kolokwia Platońskie: Fajdros, Polskie Forum Filozoficzne, →ISBN, page 306:
- Upraszczając, można powiedzieć, że „historyczne praktyki” Tuchańskiej sprowadzają poznawanie matematyki do tego „co powiedziała pani”, nieważne czy ma się tu na myśli panią od matematyki, czy choćby i samą ministrę edukacji.
- To simplify, we can say that Tuchanska's "historical practices" reduce learning mathematics to "what the lady said", no matter whether we mean the mathematics teacher or even the minister of education herself.
- 2014 February 24, Ewa Łętowska, O prawie i o mitach, Wolters Kluwer, →ISBN, page 22:
- Posejdona uczynił odpowiedzialnym za politykę i gospodarkę morską, Hadesowi powierzył administrację podziemiem, Demeter została mianowana ministrą rolnictwa i środowiska naturalnego, Hera – pełnomocniczką do spraw rodziny i kobiet, a Hestia – ministrą do spraw religii.
- He made Poseidon responsible for maritime politics and economy, Hades was entrusted with the administration of the underworld, Demeter was appointed minister of agriculture and the natural environment, Hera - plenipotentiary for family and women's affairs, and Hestia - minister for affairs religion.
- 2014 03, Polityka:
- Ostatnich dwóch ministrów, zwłaszcza ministra Mucha, złymi decyzjami administracyjnymi odebrało nam sporą część funduszy.
- The last two ministers, especially minister Mucha, took away a large part of our funds with bad administrative decisions.
- 2021 April 10, Ryszard Wolański, Tola Mankiewiczówna: „Jak za dawnych lat”, Ventigo Media Sp. z o.o., →ISBN:
- Solidaryzowała się z bywalcami nocnego lokalu, w którym omijano nakaz pani ministry, serwując - jak to mawiają górale – „oranżadę z prądem”.
- To show solidarity with the patrons of a nightclub where the minister's order was bypassed by serving - as the highlanders say - "orange juice with electricity".
- (government, neologism) female equivalent of minister (“high-ranking official in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland”)
Etymology 2
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- (Brazil) IPA(key): /miˈnis.tɾɐ/
- (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /miˈniʃ.tɾɐ/
- (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /miˈnis.tɾa/
- (Portugal) IPA(key): /mɨˈniʃ.tɾɐ/, (proscribed) /miˈniʃ.tɾɐ/
- Hyphenation: mi‧nis‧tra
- inflection of ministrar:
- third-person singular present indicative
- second-person singular imperative
- IPA(key): /miˈnistɾa/ [miˈnis.t̪ɾa]
- Rhymes: -istɾa
- Syllabification: mi‧nis‧tra
Derived terms
- inflection of ministrar:
- third-person singular present indicative
- second-person singular imperative
Further reading
- “ministro”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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