
See also: ministrā and ministrą




ministra f (plural ministres)

  1. female equivalent of ministre



ministra f (plural ministre)

  1. female equivalent of ministro
    • 2019 January 8, Silvia Morosi, “Gilet gialli, Di Maio risponde alla ministra francese: «Macron ci paragonava alla lebbra. Ipocrita»”, in Corriere della Sera:
      Il vicepremier risponde alla ministra per gli Affari europei Nathalie Loiseau cha aveva dichiarato: «Salvini e il capo dei 5 Stelle imparino a fare pulizia in casa loro». La replica di Parigi: «Serve rispetto, Roma pensi al benessere degli italiani, Parlerò con Moavero»
      The vice-president answers minister of European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau, who declared: "Salvini and the head of the Five Stars better learn to clean their own mess." The reply from Paris: "There needs to be respect. Rome should think about the well-being of Italians. I will speak with Moavero."

Usage notes

  • Formerly proscribed form.[1]


  1. La Crusca risponde: il ministro o la ministra?”, in Accademia della Crusca, 2013 December 5




  1. second-person singular present active imperative of ministrō


ministra f (genitive ministrae, masculine minister); first declension

  1. female attendant or servant, maid, waitress
  2. female agent, female aide
  3. female accomplice


First-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative ministra ministrae
Genitive ministrae ministrārum
Dative ministrae ministrīs
Accusative ministram ministrās
Ablative ministrā ministrīs
Vocative ministra ministrae


Coordinate terms


  • ministra”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • ministra”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • ministra in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.



ministra m

  1. genitive singular of ministrs



  • IPA(key): /miˈɲis.tra/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -istra
  • Syllabification: mi‧nis‧tra

Etymology 1

From minister + -a.


ministra f (male equivalent minister)

  1. (government, neologism) female equivalent of minister (minister, ministress, ministrix) (politician who heads a ministry)
    • 2013 December 30, Artur Pacewicz, Kolokwia Platońskie: Fajdros, Polskie Forum Filozoficzne, →ISBN, page 306:
      Upraszczając, można powiedzieć, że „historyczne praktyki” Tuchańskiej sprowadzają poznawanie matematyki do tego „co powiedziała pani”, nieważne czy ma się tu na myśli panią od matematyki, czy choćby i samą ministrę edukacji.
      To simplify, we can say that Tuchanska's "historical practices" reduce learning mathematics to "what the lady said", no matter whether we mean the mathematics teacher or even the minister of education herself.
    • 2014 February 24, Ewa Łętowska, O prawie i o mitach, Wolters Kluwer, →ISBN, page 22:
      Posejdona uczynił odpowiedzialnym za politykę i gospodarkę morską, Hadesowi powierzył administrację podziemiem, Demeter została mianowana ministrą rolnictwa i środowiska naturalnego, Hera – pełnomocniczką do spraw rodziny i kobiet, a Hestia – ministrą do spraw religii.
      He made Poseidon responsible for maritime politics and economy, Hades was entrusted with the administration of the underworld, Demeter was appointed minister of agriculture and the natural environment, Hera - plenipotentiary for family and women's affairs, and Hestia - minister for affairs religion.
    • 2014 03, Polityka:
      Ostatnich dwóch ministrów, zwłaszcza ministra Mucha, złymi decyzjami administracyjnymi odebrało nam sporą część funduszy.
      The last two ministers, especially minister Mucha, took away a large part of our funds with bad administrative decisions.
    • 2021 April 10, Ryszard Wolański, Tola Mankiewiczówna: „Jak za dawnych lat”, Ventigo Media Sp. z o.o., →ISBN:
      Solidaryzowała się z bywalcami nocnego lokalu, w którym omijano nakaz pani ministry, serwując - jak to mawiają górale – „oranżadę z prądem”.
      To show solidarity with the patrons of a nightclub where the minister's order was bypassed by serving - as the highlanders say - "orange juice with electricity".
  2. (government, neologism) female equivalent of minister (high-ranking official in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland)

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.


ministra m pers

  1. genitive/accusative singular of minister



  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /miˈnis.tɾɐ/
    • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /miˈniʃ.tɾɐ/
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /miˈnis.tɾa/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /mɨˈniʃ.tɾɐ/, (proscribed) /miˈniʃ.tɾɐ/

  • Hyphenation: mi‧nis‧tra


ministra f (plural ministras)

  1. female equivalent of ministro



  1. inflection of ministrar:
    1. third-person singular present indicative
    2. second-person singular imperative



  • IPA(key): /miˈnistɾa/ [miˈnis.t̪ɾa]
  • Rhymes: -istɾa
  • Syllabification: mi‧nis‧tra


ministra f (plural ministras)

  1. female equivalent of ministro
  2. (rare) wife of a minister
Derived terms



  1. inflection of ministrar:
    1. third-person singular present indicative
    2. second-person singular imperative

Further reading

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