
See also: Appendix:Variations of "meso"



From Ancient Greek μέσος (mésos, middle).



  1. (taxonomy, biology) Intermediate in size or other characteristic.

Derived terms


Alternative forms


From Ancient Greek μέσος (mésos, middle). Doublet of mid- and medio-.



  1. Middle or centre in location/position.
    Mesoamerica is a pre-Columbian cultural region extending from the southern part of Mexico to an area that comprises some parts of the countries of Central America, mesohepatectomy is the surgical removal of the middle part of the liver, mesoscaphe is a submersible submarine designed for drifting on sea currents in the middle depth layers of the ocean
  2. Between a macro- scale and micro- scale in scope or analysis.
    mesoeconomics is economics on a scale between that of microeconomics and macroeconomics, mesoevolution is evolutionary change on a time-scale intermediate between microevolution and macroevolution, mesometeorology is the study of atmospheric phenomena on a larger scale than micrometeorology
  3. Medium in size.
    mesobrowser is a medium-sized browser (animal that browses, mesocavern is a medium-sized cave, cavern or similar void, mesohabitat is a medium-sized habitat
  4. Between.
    mesochannel is a channel, between two others, used as a heat exchanger, mesoclitic is a clitic inserted inside a word (such as between a stem and a suffix), mesolayer is a layer that exists between others
  5. Intermediate between two properties or characteristics.
    mesocratic is having a more or less even mixture of light and dark constituents, mesognathous is having the jaws between prognathous and orthognathous, mesohydrophyte is any plant whose tolerance to moisture is intermediate between that of a mesophyte and a hydrophyte.
  6. (anatomy) Referring to the mesentery.
    mesoappendix is part of the mesentery found near the appendix and the terminal ileum, mesoduodenum is the mesentery of the duodenum, mesogastrium is the part of the embryonic mesentery that includes the stomach
  7. (anatomy) Mesial in location, position, or direction: towards the midline of the body.
    mesoanterior is mesial and anterior, mesomedial is mesial and medial, meson is the mesial plane dividing the body into similar right and left halves
  8. Normal, average, or typical.
    mesochronic is based upon time averages of observed phenomena, mesocrystal is an ordered aggregate of similarly-sized crystals, mesokurtosis is the property of having kurtosis equal to that of a normal distribution; equivalently, having zero excess kurtosis
  9. (dentistry) The forward side of a tooth.
    mesocone is a conule in the median mure where the mesoloph is attached to it, mesoflexus is a flexus between the mesoloph and the paracone, mesoloph is a crest in front of the metaflexus, connected to the median mure
  10. The middle of a time period, or medium in duration.
    mesocenozoic is relating to the middle of the Cenozoic era, mesocratic is relating to mesocracy, or rule by the middle class, Mesolithic is of or referring to the Middle Stone Age (also the Mesolithic period or the Mesolithic age), a prehistoric period that lasted between 10000 and 3000 BC
  11. Quasi or partial.
    mesocarnivore is any animal whose diet consists of 30–70% meat, mesobilirubin is a reduced form of bilirubin that is the primary pigment of bile acid, mesoparasite is a parasitic copepod that lives partly embedded in its host
  12. Moderate, medium in quantity.
    mesoendemic is having some transmission in an area, mesoeutrophic is having a medium amount of nutrients and minerals, mesohaline is moderately salty; brackish
  13. (chemistry) Designating an achiral member of a group of diastereoisomers that has at least one chiral member.
    meso-tartaric acid, mesolytic


  • (more generally): mid-
  • (middle): medio- (used with words of Latin origin.)

Derived terms

English terms prefixed with meso-


See also




From Ancient Greek μέσος (mésos, middle).



  1. meso-

Derived terms

Catalan terms prefixed with meso-



From Ancient Greek μέσος (mésos, middle).


  • IPA(key): [meso]
  • Hyphenation: mé‧so



  1. meso-

Derived terms

Category Indonesian terms prefixed with meso- not found

Further reading




  1. meso-

Derived terms

Italian terms prefixed with meso-





  1. meso- (located in or relating to the middle)

Derived terms

Portuguese terms prefixed with meso-




  1. meso- (located in or relating to the middle)

Derived terms

Spanish terms prefixed with meso-

Further reading

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