
Manteros in Madrid (Spain)
From manta (“blanket”) + -ero, from the practice of displaying goods on a large cloth which can easily be picked up to flee the police.
- IPA(key): /manˈteɾo/ [mãn̪ˈt̪e.ɾo]
- Rhymes: -eɾo
- Syllabification: man‧te‧ro
mantero m (plural manteros, feminine mantera, feminine plural manteras)
- (Spain) a person, normally an illegal immigrant, who sells counterfeit goods (like clothes, watches, music CDs, movie and video games DVD) on the streets
- 2018 March 16, Miguel Ángel Medina, “Seis detenidos en las protestas en Lavapiés por la muerte de un mantero”, in El País:
- La muerte de un mantero senegalés este jueves en el barrio madrileño de Lavapiés desató una oleada de protestas callejeras y un amplio despliegue policial con cargas y pelotas de goma para dispersar a manifestantes que incendiaron contenedores y vehículos estacionados en la zona.
- The death of a Senegalese street vendor this Thursday in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés sparked a wave of street protests and a massive deployment of police, who charged and shot rubber bullets to disperse protestors who set fire to dumpsters and parked cars in the area.
Related terms
- top manta
Further reading
- “mantero”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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