


malt + -ery


maltery (plural malteries)

  1. (rare) A malthouse.
    • 1886, George Henry Thurston, Pittsburgh's Progress, Industries and Resources, 1886, page 176:
      The foregoing represents the malteries whose product is disposed of by sale to brewers having no malteries connected with their breweries.
    • 1991, Ethiopia, new directions of industrial policy, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, page 67:
      Before the Assela Maltery was completed in 1984, most of the malt used in the breweries had to be imported: in 1983/84 only 20 per cent of the malt used was supplied locally. After the Assela maltery began operations output increased rapidly during the mid-1980s, reaching 11,000 tonnes in FY1988, 110 per cent of nominal installed capacity.
    • 2008, T.N. Khoshoo, Environmental Concerns And Strategics, page 113:
      The fermentation industries comprise of distilleries, breweries and malteries.


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