- IPA(key): [malamikˈema]
- Rhymes: -ema
- Hyphenation: mal‧a‧mik‧e‧ma
malamikema (accusative singular malamikeman, plural malamikemaj, accusative plural malamikemajn)
- hostile, adversarial, unfriendly
- Sergio Pokrovskij (translator), La Majstro kaj Margarita (The Master and Margarita) by Mikhail Bulgakov, Book 1, Chapter 13,
- Io en ŝia voĉo impresis min kiel malamikema.
- There seemed to me to be a note of hostility (lit. something hostile) in her voice.
- Io en ŝia voĉo impresis min kiel malamikema.
- Synonym: malamika
- Sergio Pokrovskij (translator), La Majstro kaj Margarita (The Master and Margarita) by Mikhail Bulgakov, Book 1, Chapter 13,
Derived terms
- malamikeme (“with hostility”)
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