


From low + -some.


lowsome (comparative more lowsome, superlative most lowsome)

  1. Characterised by lowness; marked by low status, quantity, or degree; lowish; lowly
    • 2011, Janet Lee Carey, The Beast of Noor:
      Hanna added the last bit of kindling to the lowsome fire.
    • 2011, Wayne Clifford, The Exile's Papers:
      When this lowsome rank, of which I'm one, hope to talk unthunk, sans garden, to You whose laughter at my wits supposedly laughs love?
    • 2015, Walt English, “Right Beneath Our Noses, All This Time”:
      Here Jesus is challenged as to why he preaches unto publicans and others, aren't these people unworthy, why would you talk to such filthy and lowsome people. And Jesus tells them “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
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