


From los (loose) + lip (lip) + -ig (-y).


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loslippig (comparative loslippiger, superlative loslippigst)

  1. indiscreet, loose-lipped
    Pas op wat je zegt, hij is nogal loslippig en vertelt snel geheimen door.
    Be careful what you say, he's quite loose-lipped and quick to share secrets.
    De loslippige opmerking van de politicus zorgde voor controverse.
    The indiscreet remark of the politician caused controversy.
    Ze was te loslippig over haar plannen en nu weet iedereen ervan.
    She was too loose-lipped about her plans, and now everyone knows about them.


Inflection of loslippig
uninflected loslippig
inflected loslippige
comparative loslippiger
positive comparative superlative
predicative/adverbial loslippigloslippigerhet loslippigst
het loslippigste
indefinite m./f. sing. loslippigeloslippigereloslippigste
n. sing. loslippigloslippigerloslippigste
plural loslippigeloslippigereloslippigste
definite loslippigeloslippigereloslippigste
partitive loslippigsloslippigers
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