
See also: lord-dom


Alternative forms


From Middle English lorddom, from Old English hlāforddōm (rulership; jurisdiction; authority), equivalent to lord + -dom.


lorddom (plural lorddoms)

  1. The authority, rule, jurisdiction, sovereignty, or domain of a lord
    • 1824, The New Monthly Magazine, volume 7, page 221:
      The saloons of the Roman Emperor, even yet fresh with their gilding, serve as cool subterranean wine-cellars to the English baronet, who, with the King of Naples and the Irish Franciscans, shares the lorddom of the Palatine."
    • 1869, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton Lytton (Earl of), Orval - Page 314:
      [...] And lull, meanwhile, war's barbarous business all To slumbrous rest the lands and seas around: For thou alone our mortal hearts canst help With hushful peace. Since Mars armipotent, That over war's wild labours lorddom wields, [...]
    • 1881, David Flemming Little, Poems - Page 66:
      And by lorddom no patriot swears. Our longitude also between the great seas, Even should king and lorddom go down, Unfits us for joining our senate with theirs; [...]
    • 1919, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, La Bodega: - Page 82:
      And was it for this that the illustrious men of her family had been born — viceroys, archbishops and great captains who received titles and lorddoms from monarchs !
    • 2007, Henry Ford, The International Jew - Page 19:
      Have they not all of lorddom at their heels, do they not hold the strings of Britain's purse?
    • 2013, Alex Bledsoe, Swords Are My Business:
      It was Chauncey DeGrandis, lord of the manor, trying in vain to assert his lord-dom.
    • 2014, Polly Horvath, Lord and Lady Bunny--Almost Royalty!:
      “Hogging supreme lorddom for herself.” And then this suddenly struck him as funny.
    • 2015, Vicky Glasgow, The Mage Emperor:
      He quickly, with care, folded the letter with the braid in it and tucked it away into his shirt under the chainmail. The fiefdom will be lorddom if he could help, but already, he was distrusting the will to start.
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