

Alternative forms

  • llerza (Western Asturias)
  • ḷḷerza (Western Asturias)
  • ḷḷercia (Western Asturias)


Unknown. Cognate with Galician lercia. Xosé Lluis García Arias proposes in his Propuestes Etimolóxiques (Etymological Proposals) that it may come from a normalized participle of Latin erigere with the definite article l' being added to the word and eventually palatizing.[1], Old Spanish erzer, which gives archaic Spanish ercer, would have a similar evolution but without the article, if so it would be a doublet of erguer and arrechu.


  • IPA(key): /ˈʎeɾθja/, [ˈʎeɾ.θja]
  • Rhymes: -eɾθja
  • Hyphenation: ller‧cia


llercia f (plural llercies)

  1. big fear
    • 1600's, Antón de Marirreguera (disputed), Píramo y Tisbe:
      Toda mió esplicativa ye muy poca / Para decer la llercia que sentigo [...] Que de llercia y dolor l' alma i allancia / Ve la toca sangrienta y les pisades
      All of my explaining it's very little / To say the fear that I feel [...] That out of fear and pain the soul throws him, / See the bloody batten and the footprints
    • 1904, Pachín de Melás, La güelina:
      Los páxaros, mudos, / nel picu la llercia, / nin canten, nin blinquen, / ni esnalen de pena.
      The birds, mute / in their beck the fear / they neither sing, nor jump / nor do they fly out of sadness
    • 1988, Carlos Rubiera, Cuentos de bona oreya:
      Topélu arriba, na «Central», ente'l ruxir d'aquelles maquinones que me daben tanta llercia. [...] Y sentí llercia otra vegada: la llercia lo venidero. Y yera mayu.
      I found him above, in the "Central", among the roar of those big machines that scared me so much. [...] And I felt fear again: the fear of what's to come. And it was may.
    • 1994, Héctor García Gil, El cuélebre'l faéu, Lletres Asturianes 52:
      pal casu quedaríame coles mios peñes y sinón, la mar que nunca enxamás viere dábame llercia. [...] Cuandu lu vio de cerca, la llercia tarazó-y el sen al nuesu Xuan y sólo pudo sirvir yá comu cebera pal cuélebre y non pa munchu tiempu.
      for that matter I'd stay with my rocks and if not, the sea that never ever seeing it scared me. [...] When he saw it close up, the fear destroyed his sense to our Xuan (John) and he could only serve then as food for the cuélebre and not for long.
    • 2002, Nel Amaro, Antígona, por exemplu:
      una d'eses descamisaes qu'aguarden a los sos homes nes puertes de les cárceles, muertes de fríu y llercia, [...] ¡Sentirán llercia! Ye la pallabra, señorita. [...] ¡La llercia! ¿Qué ye? ¿Nun sintió enxamás vusté tala llercia? ¿Nin agora? [...] nun cuartón xeláu, infernal, llega a sentir llercia y ablandiase, alloráu, poles alcordances.
      one of those shirtless ones that wait for their husbands at the prisons' doors, dead of cold and fear. [...] They'll fear! It's the word, lady. [...] Fear! What is it? Haven't you never felt that fear? Not even now? [...] in a frozen dungeon, hellish, he feels fear and he softens, dazed, because of the memories
    Synonyms: medrana, mieu
    Tengo-y muncha llercia
    I'm very afraid of him/her
    Canciamos p'alloñar la llercia
    We sing to ward off fear
  2. mythological being used to scare children


  • "llercia" in Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana (DGLA)
  • "llercia" in Diccionariu de la Llingua Asturiana (DALLA)
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