


Inherited from Old Swedish *liþka (compare Icelandic liðka), derived from Old Norse liðr (member). For the shift from -dk- to -rk- compare with burk. Doublet of led.


lirka (present lirkar, preterite lirkade, supine lirkat, imperative lirka)

  1. (often with a particle like in, ut, or upp) to carefully twist, bend, etc., (something) to accomplish something, with fiddly connotations; to coax
    En räv hade fastnat i ett stängsel, men de lyckades lirka loss den efter en timme
    A fox had gotten stuck in a fence, but they managed to free ("coax loose") it after an hour
    Han lyckades lirka upp låset med gaffeln
    He managed to coax the lock open with the fork
  2. (figuratively) to carefully manipulate (someone or something, with good or bad intentions); to coax
    Vi fick lirka lite, men till slut gick han med på våra krav
    We had to coax him a bit, but he finally agreed to our demands



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