


From liels (big, large) + -isks.




lielisks (definite lieliskais, comparative lieliskāks, superlative vislieliskākais, adverb lieliski)

  1. great, wonderful (very good; outstanding with respect to moral, character qualities, and treatment of others; (of behavior) expressing such characteristics)
    lielisks cilvēkswonderful person
    tu esi lielisks!you are wonderful!
    lieliski darba biedrigreat colleagues, co-workers
    lielisks draugs, lieliska draudzība — great friend, great friendship
    lieliskas rakstura īpašībasgreat character features, qualities
  2. great, excellent (who does his/her work, takes care of his/her responsibilities particularly well)
    lielisks amatnieksexcellent craftsman
    lielisks rakstnieksgreat writer
  3. great, excellent (meeting extremely well certain requirements or expectations)
    lieliska mašīnaexcellent machine, car
    lielisks zirgsexcellent horse
    lieliska ražaexcellent (= very large) yield, harvest
    lielisks noskaņojumsgreat mood, disposition
    lieliska dzirdeexcellent hearing
    lielisks miegsgreat sleep
    lieliska dzirdamībagreat audibility
    lieliska izglītībagreat, excellent education
  4. great, wonderful (causing great pleasure, having great beauty)
    lieliskas pusdienasexcellent lunch
    lieliska rožu smaržawonderful aroma of roses
    lieliska dienagreat day
    lieliska braukšanagreat ride
    lielisks skats uz jūrawonderful view of the sea
    lieliska ainavawonderful landscape
  5. great, excellent (having particularly important, valuable, admirable content)
    lieliska grāmataexcellent book
    lielisks referātsgreat report
    lieliska gleznagreat painting
    lielisks skaņdarbsexcellent piece of music
    lielisks dziesmas izpildījumsgreat song performance
  6. (adverbial form, used as a particle indicating approval) great! excellent!
    “nu, lieliski!” es teicu, “vienkārši malacis!“well, excellent!” I said, “a great job!”



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